Text Box: The Minute Book of the Borough of Coalport is a bound book with hand written consecutive numbered pages.  Your AORO digitized the pages by camera to create his own copy of all Council actions.  The discovery was made that the AORO/Councillor was prejudiced by denial of having his document respectfully requested to be entered into the records of the borough.
Several months of “Formal Statements and Objections” were denied after enterance was requested and asked:
“Your Councillor respectfully requests UNANIMOUS CONSENT without objection to have the FORMAL OBJECTIONS attached Text Box: to the minutes for February 4, 2019 by date below in this lawful Coalport Borough Meeting.”
In each meeting when the Councillor would set forth “Formal Statements and Objections” the foregoing disclaimer was attached to each document.  No one denied or objected.  So why did the Secretary not attach the documents to the minutes of the Borough?  According to Act of 2014, Title 8 amended, No. 37 §1111. Duty of Secretary, (a)
Attendance at meetings and maintenance of Minutes.  The secretary shall attend all meeting of the council and shall maintain full minutes of its proceedings.  The Formal StateText Box: ments and Objections were lawfully submitted in open session of Coalport Borough Council meeting and there were no Objections to the entry of the document by any Council in the proceedings of the council meeting video reported for each council meeting.  Some were officially addressed in the Progress Newpaper which is a legal document.  
Wherefore the Secretary has violated her sworn duty to enter several documents that has prejudged the Councillor.  Your AORO files in this report a compliant for the Councillor, The Revered Gerald W. Spaid, Sr.,  Is the Secretary dilatory or arbitrary and capricious in her actions?
Text Box: An agency may not adopt a policy or regulation which:
Limits the number of records which may be requested or made available for inspection or duplication; or
Require disclosure of the purpose or motive in requesting access to record.
Anyone in the United States  may request.
The Agency has five (5) business days to respond to a request.   A requester, if denied by the Agency, has 15 days to make an appeal.
Text Box: The role of AORO or Agency Open Records Officer is comprehensive in nature.  The role entails knowing the RTKL, communicate with the Public and the Office of Open Record with Appeal actions.
The RTKL, 65 P.S.§§67.101, et. Seq. effective in January 1, 2009 has key changes: Presumption of Openness.
Every record of an Agency is presumed to be Public.
Agency bears burden to prove record is not public.
Agency must appoint a AORO.
Text Box: A requester needs to address the AORO, seek a record—not a question, and make the request sufficiently specific to demonstrate a good request.  A request may be by paper, email, phone records, text messages, blueprints, audio recordings, security camera footage and social media.
Proprietary Information (Section 707(b)):  An agency shall notify a third party of a request for a record including Personal Identification Information
Your AORO will promise to respond to all requests and will answer and comply if possible.
Text Box: REVIEW OF MINUTE BOOK for 2019
Text Box: why was the letter in official records?  If the letter was a resignation letter it should have been presented to council and 30 days was Council’s responsibility to fill a vacancy.  Council did not fill the vacancy from August to the end of 2019.  
Reading the letter again, the Councillor states: ”not to resign”  The letter was a NON-RESIGNATION LETTER.  
Why would a sitting Counciillor write a NON-RESIGNATION LETTER.  The letter is moot.  If you are a Councillor you are a Councillor.  However in the September 2019 meeting the Councillor Text Box: made very kind accolades toward the AORO and others as if he was resigning, which he did resign the Directorship for Coalport Borough.
Look on pages: 61, 79, 85, 89, 98, 102, 104 of the Council Minutes; you will see Councillor Glass was absent.  After September 9, 2019, Councillor Glass never was seen again.  No work was attributed to the Councillor.  Was this fair to the Citizens and Taxpayer to have a seat vacant for months when a citizen of the electorate could have filled the seat for the good of the Borough?
Text Box: In reviewing the 2019 Coalport Borough Council meeting Minutes, on page 56 you will see a letter from a Councillor.  The letter was written by the Honorable Calvin Glass.  Your AORO has the highest regard for Councillor Glass and the work that he accomplished.  He is missed.  
At first look at Page 56 you immediately see the word: “RESIGN.”   Immediately seeing the August 13, 2019 letter, your AORO questioned why wasn’t this letter shown to Council?  It was not presented to Council and Council did not address the letter or accept the letter.  So Text Box: Page #
Text Box: Volume 1, Issue 1